Seja por sempre e em todas partes conhecido, adorado, bendito, amado, servido e glorificado o diviníssimo Coração de Jesus e o Imaculado Coração de Maria.

Nota do blog Salve Regina: “Nós aderimos de todo o coração e com toda a nossa alma à Roma católica, guardiã da fé católica e das tradições necessárias para a manutenção dessa fé, à Roma eterna, mestra de sabedoria e de verdade. Pelo contrário, negamo-nos e sempre nos temos negado a seguir a Roma de tendência neomodernista e neoprotestante que se manifestou claramente no Concílio Vaticano II, e depois do Concílio em todas as reformas que dele surgiram.” Mons. Marcel Lefebvre

Pax Domini sit semper tecum

Item 4º do Juramento Anti-modernista São PIO X: "Eu sinceramente mantenho que a Doutrina da Fé nos foi trazida desde os Apóstolos pelos Padres ortodoxos com exatamente o mesmo significado e sempre com o mesmo propósito. Assim sendo, eu rejeito inteiramente a falsa representação herética de que os dogmas evoluem e se modificam de um significado para outro diferente do que a Igreja antes manteve. Condeno também todo erro segundo o qual, no lugar do divino Depósito que foi confiado à esposa de Cristo para que ela o guardasse, há apenas uma invenção filosófica ou produto de consciência humana que foi gradualmente desenvolvida pelo esforço humano e continuará a se desenvolver indefinidamente" - JURAMENTO ANTI-MODERNISTA


Eu conservo a MISSA TRADICIONAL, aquela que foi codificada, não fabricada, por São Pio V no século XVI, conforme um costume multissecular. Eu recuso, portanto, o ORDO MISSAE de Paulo VI”. - Declaração do Pe. Camel.


Ao negar a celebração da Missa Tradicional ou ao obstruir e a discriminar, comportam-se como um administrador infiel e caprichoso que, contrariamente às instruções do pai da casa - tem a despensa trancada ou como uma madrasta má que dá às crianças uma dose deficiente. É possível que esses clérigos tenham medo do grande poder da verdade que irradia da celebração da Missa Tradicional. Pode comparar-se a Missa Tradicional a um leão: soltem-no e ele defender-se-á sozinho”. - D. Athanasius Schneider

"Os inimigos declarados de Deus e da Igreja devem ser difamados tanto quanto se possa (desde que não se falte à verdade), sendo obra de caridade gritar: Eis o lobo!, quando está entre o rebanho, ou em qualquer lugar onde seja encontrado".- São Francisco de Sales

“E eu lhes digo que o protestantismo não é cristianismo puro, nem cristianismo de espécie alguma; é pseudocristianismo, um cristianismo falso. Nem sequer tem os protestantes direito de se chamarem cristãos”. - Padre Amando Adriano Lochu

"MALDITOS os cristãos que suportam sem indignação que seu adorável SALVADOR seja posto lado a lado com Buda e Maomé em não sei que panteão de falsos deuses". - Padre Emmanuel

“O conteúdo das publicações são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores indicados nas matérias ou nas citações das referidas fontes de origem, não significando, pelos administradores do blog, a inteira adesão das ideias expressas.”


Parenting Today

“They want to be like everybody else , they do not want to be different, they lack the personal conviction to stand up for Catholic Tradition, and so instead of being Apostles of Christ, little by little they go with the flow.”

Bishop Richard Williamson

Poor parents! Is there nothing we can do?
Nearly 20 years ago a priest of the Society of St Pius X, master of an Ignatian Retreat House in France and therefore in close contact with Traditional Catholic family problems, wrote an excellent editorial on How our youngsters are evolving. He paints a dark picture. Alas, the picture has grown only darker in the meantime. We must not despair, but on the other hand parents must see things as they are. It is not as though today’s youngsters are blameless, but parents must do everything possible to put them on the path to Heaven, because even today that is still the responsibility of parents. Here is the dark picture, adapted and abbreviated from Revue Marchons Droit, # 90, avril-mai-juin, 2000:—
In the Retreats we see youngsters growing up, incapable of rebuilding Christendom. The sacrifices made by parents and teachers seem to have borne no proportional fruit. Clearly something is not working , and if we do not react, then within two generations we will be swallowed up by the spirit of the world.
Young people we observe between 18 and 30 years old are profoundly ignorant of the crisis in Church and world, not because they have not been taught, but for lack of interest . Broadly speaking, they follow along the lines of their parents, but they cannot explain on their own what is wrong with the New Mass, with Vatican II, with the New World Order. Never having had to fight, to defend their beliefs or to resist, and so never having studied for themselves, when they meet the world they easily give way. They want to be like everybody else , they do not want to be different, they lack the personal conviction to stand up for Catholic Tradition, and so instead of being Apostles of Christ, little by little they go with the flow.
Where will there be tomorrow the good vocations, the good Christian families we so urgently need? Vocations grow rare, marriages grow weak or dry up altogether, formation grows soft, immaturity takes over. All the youngsters want is to enjoy. The boys lack character, sense of responsibility, generosity, self-control, everything that parents should be inculcating in them to turn them into the men we can rely on for tomorrow: men chaste, mature, thoughtful, hard-working, magnanimous. Without such men of conviction, where will be the heads of tomorrow’s families? The girls are also being reared in disorder.
Instead of preparing for motherhood and for looking after a family, they learn to look down on the domesticity which is their true vocation, and they are encouraged to study longer and longer, thus acquiring a spirit of independence , alongside a worldliness turning to fashion, parties and rock music. How can mothers give way to their girls’ mini-skirts and trousers, to their loose dress for parties which are obvious occasions of sin, where they waste their time and soil the purity of their hearts?
The result is young people getting married at 20 or 22 years of age, when they are absolutely not ready. And soon the children are arriving whom they have no idea of how to bring up. If I look at the young couples I have married – in Tradition – since my ordination in 1980, thank God there have been no divorces, but I have to say that half the marriages are hanging on a thread, being held together only by the youngsters’ Catholic principles. Parents, do you realise what you need to be giving to your children for their future in today’s world? You must for God’s sake form your boys to be men worthy of the name and your girls to be women worthy of the name. Do your duty. Otherwise, your children risk losing their souls, and Christendom is finished.
Surely Fr Delagneau is right. Christendom is in serious danger, no less. Now can we see why in 2018 God is allowing Europe and France in particular to be filled by His enemies with His enemies? And why He is allowing the Society of St Pius X to be sliding into the arms of His enemies? He did not create us to fall into Hell. He created us to fight the good fight to get to Heaven. And He will permit any disaster that will shake us off the road to Hell, and put us back on the road to Heaven. Wait for it!
Kyrie eleison.

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